Wednesday morning we packed-up the Hyundai with a large tent to take to Les Cayes. I could tell you a bunch about Port Au Prince and the numerous tent-cities, street front markets, half-demolished buildings and traffic congestion, but it was so overwhelming I wouldn't know where to begin. Maybe another time. There have been some downright ugly sights, but there have been many beautiful sights. I'll make an entire blog posting about the beauty of Haiti. The Foursquare Haiti missions is working towards a beautiful Haiti and you can catch glimpses of it now and again.

After about four and a half hours, we made it to Les Cayes. We skirted the city and then headed out of town on a dirt road, along the big river where people go to draw water, wash clothes and have baths. Most of the population does not have indoor plumbing, but electricity was more common in Les Cayes. The road was rough, and then we got on the REALLY rough road. Actually we had to leave the Hyundai behind and have a dump-truck carry the tent into the village. When another large truck came at us head-on it was quite the ordeal for us to move out of the way to let them pass. The water you see on the road is up to about 18" deep. Les Cayes gets much more rain than Port Au Prince.
The road into the village was REALLY REALLY rough, but as long as we took it at 5-10km/hr it didn't rattle our teeth out; nor launch is into orbit. We had two physical projects to complete while there. The first was to erect the tent we brought for a medical team who is scheduled to arrive in two weeks. The second was to hang chicken feeders that Jana constructed and a couple of bucket bottoms for water. Everything we did involved help from the locals. Those who lived along that road started off by dropping-by to have a peek at the "blanc show". Aaron had been there before so he knew some of the people, but it was Mike's first trip. We had with us Franz as an interpreter. I guess I should introduce them: here are the most unflattering pictures I could find:
Mike |
Franz |
You see, Mike is wearing a headlamp because it's 8:00 at night and there's no power. The only light was a crescent moon and a lightening bug, and for a very brief moment my flash. It's hot out here; did I mention? Aaron after lunch had a little siesta, but some of us actually went to our bunks for a nap. He just crashed right next to his bowl. And Franz was so happy that he caught this little rat (or in Hatian, "rat") that he insisted I take his picture. He saw it cross his path, and wound-up and kicked at it. Somehow actually connected!!! I've got him lined-up for a try-out with the BC Lions.
Here is the tent project:
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