Haiti July 2011

This is the second trip for Jana and Todd's first. Along with Yvette Bradley, they're going to help-out the great work being done by the Foursquare Church in Port Au Prince!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Girls Orphanage

It's a good day!

Things are a little different around here. We all know that we are going home in the next few days so our thoughts are a little more somber.
This morning was spent around base camp with various projects and preparing for tomorrow. Then this afternoon we went to the girls orphanage again. This time our main goal was to spend time with the kids and perform a skit. Our skit was a great hit! We adapted the story of a Little Red Hen. Thanks to our interpretor Sam and his sense of humour we all laughed a great deal. I think the girls will remember the Canadians.
Our team has nicknamed ourselves the finishers, since we don't like to stop working until we are finished our jobs. We have learned that in Haiti that is not always possible but last night one more piece fell into place.
When we came to Haiti I was very interested in the Tilapia farm because I have a friend who was doing similar work in Sri Lanka. Since day one I have been emailing her to try and get some answers for the team here. Yesterday we were able to have a live video chat and get some great information and for a valuable contact for Foursquare Haiti. (Thanks Jenny!)
I was happy to be able to "finish" that task.
We have had the opportunity to experience the querks of Haiti today. Thanks to the local 24 hour strike we were unable to get water delivered, so we have had to go to the church for showers and REALLY conserve water. Thankfully the water truck is scheduled for tomorrow morning!
Yesterday we went to a lookout over Port au Prince on our way back from Pastor Bellande's orphanage. Check out Rhonda's pictures...
 You are invited to view RBerkhiem's photo album: 3500 Feet


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